Are you interested in collaborating with NWI families?

We at NWI Families are always looking for like-minded community businesses to collaborate with us. We are dedicated to our local families and helping them find trustworthy businesses to support them in their current season or journey.

We are excited you want to be a part of our mission! Get started by adding your Business to the Directory Listing. Below you will fill out your Business information, we will add you to our DIRECTORY. You will also receive additional information as we continue to grow and develop.

Things to Know: We are committed to learn more about your brand/business before adding you to the directory. We want to make sure we are a good fit for each other in order to serve those in our community. It’s at the sole discretion of NWI Families to add/remove from the Directory Listing.

If you have questions or would like to discuss your listing before committing, please do not hesitate to contact us at We are here to help!

Partner with us

Get your Business listed alphabetically in designated directories for FREE. We will welcome your Business in our NWI Families’ E-Newsletter and Social Platforms with your first month of commitment.

Joining the Directory Listing is the first step to our Partnership.

Directory Listing

When you submit information for the directory or purchase a partnership package, you are also agreeing to our Service Agreement.

Directory Sponsorship


Your Business listed at the TOP of designated directories. *Possible Waitlist

3 month listing at $25/month commitment duration.

Must already be Established in the Directory Listing

Add To Partnership